Panel Or Shingle : Everything You Need To Understand About Solar Roofing

Being environmentally friendly is a period that’s turned out to be not unusual, especially among homeowners who are looking for a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution to save on electricity bills. Switching to solar energy prevents the influence of climate change. Currently, two popular types of assets provide owners the potential to become less reliant on traditional strength assets: solar panels and solar shingles. Solar panels and solar shingles both work on the same principle. We are all familiar with a photovoltaic cell, which is commonly called a solar cell. When sun rays are focused on solar panels, energy from sunlight is absorbed by the PV cell and transferred from the cell, passing through the cell by the semiconductor material. This energy creates electrical charges that flow in reaction to an inner electrical discipline in the cell, inflicting electricity to flow.

A solar shingles is an illustration of building-integrated photovoltaics, a theory in which various components of a building, such as actual roof tiles, produce their electricity. The solar energy sector first saw the introduction of solar roof shingles in 2005, making them a relatively recent solar energy solution. Lets see more on solar panels vs solar shingles.

What Characteristics Are Similar Between Solar Panels And Solar Shingles?

Solar Panels and Solar Shingles

Many consumers are curious to find out more about the differences between solar shingles and solar panels due to their close functional similarities. Solar shingles are similar in form to ordinary roof tiles and employ the same technology as ordinary solar panels.


Installations of solar shingles are typically eligible for the same incentives as installations of conventional solar panel systems, such as the federal solar tax credit of 26%.

Net Metering Regulations

The same regulations apply to all building-integrated solar systems, allowing you to remit any extra electricity they generate to your utility for a credit on your electric bill.

Photovoltaic Technology

All solar panels and solar shingles are connected to the electrical grid and connected with solar inverter

What Distinguishes Solar Panels From Solar Shingles?

Distinguishes Solar Panels


The shingles snap together efforfetlessly, which speeds up installation and necessitates were holes in your roof. Solar shingles’ mobility is restricted, though. Because they are positioned to fit the roof’s tilt, the output will be affected if some of the roof receives less sunshine. Solar panels can be angled to improve sunlight absorption and boost output. The limited movement of shingles is another drawback. Solar shingles are difficult to remove and move since they serve as both the roof and solar panels. On other hands, solar panels may be moved easily when residences are moved.


Solar shingles can’t compete with the efficiency of solar panels. As was already noted, panels can be tilted to maximize solar energy absorption, increasing output. On the other hand, the angle of the roof limits the maximum conversion efficiency of solar shingles. The production of electricity is hindered when sunlight is blocked by overhanging trees or other obstructions.


Solar panels and shingles are both made to survive, but how do the longevity rates compare? Solar panels are designed to last between 25 and 30 years, and their equivalents are also thought to last for around that long. Solar roof shingles technology is still in its infancy, in contrast to proven technologies like panels. As a result, it is impossible to predict how long it will last.


Compared to solar panels, solar shingles are more streamlined. They are available in smooth glass tile types, Tuscan glass tile styles, textured glass tile styles, and slate glass tile styles. They are therefore perfect for a variety of architectural types. When added to an existing asphalt tile roof or as a new roof, solar shingles can have a pleasant appearance. Panels are constructed largely for functionality; as a result, many individuals dislike them due to their poor looks. They may obscure the positive aspects of an existing roof due to its size and bulk.


Solar shingles are two times as expensive as solar panels. Historically, the market’s scarcity of manufacturers was blamed for the high cost of solar shingles. However, that has lately altered due to an invasion of multiple producers, which has led to pricing that are cost-competitive. The high price of solar shingles shouldn’t, in general, be a deal-breaker. In comparison to panels, there is long-term benefit.

Cleaning and Maintenance

As previously mentioned, solar panels and solar shingles are both long-term investments, so it’s critical to know that they will function well for the duration of their useful lives. The removal of leaves and other sunlight-blocking material is one easy approach to maintain photovoltaics operating at their best.

Homeowners may frequently perform basic cleaning of a solar energy system themselves, but a professional cleaning and inspection once in a while can assist ensure that there are no hidden problems that will result in long-term harm. If and when problems are discovered, fixing solar shingles may be a more difficult and expensive operation. Regular solar panels are typically installed on roofs separately from one another, making it relatively easy to remove and repair one of them without disturbing the entire system. Since solar shingles for a solar roof must be installed closely together to produce a complete roof, removing and/or replacing one shingle can necessitate removing every other shingle nearby as well. In this scenario, the price per square foot would be quite high.

Final thought

Solar shingles vs Solar panel, considering the challenge of the choice. Solar shingles may be more affordable than solar panels if you need to install a new roof because they save you money on both labor and conventional roofing materials. Solar shingles are a better choice if you need to replace your roof, care a lot about how it looks, and have a roof that is already sloping and well-positioned to catch the sunlight. Solar panels can be a better choice if your circumstance does not fit this description. Solar shingles are the solution for you if you don’t like the aesthetic of your home with large, apparent solar panels. Whichever option you choose, choosing solar panels over solar shingles indicates that you are an energy-conscious consumer. There is a lot of emphasis on adopting a sustainable lifestyle, and we may all choose to live more energy-efficiently. It is up to us to lessen the influence that everything has on the environment, including the bed we sleep in and the roof we sleep under.

The benefits of solar energy are rarely felt right away. The initial financial outlay is often substantial, but over the course of the medium to long term, the energy savings start to outweigh those expenses.

Do check out interesting articles on solar panels.

11 Reasons Why Every Home Should Switch to Using a Solar Power System
Powering Your Property Sustainably: The Ultimate Guide to Solar Panel Installation

Author Bio

Jinal Kahar – 

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